Sweeping and Debris Removal: Removing trash, leaves, and debris from surfaces.
Pressure Washing: Using high-pressure water jets to clean oil stains, tire marks, and grime.
Scrubbing and Washing: Deep cleaning of surfaces with specialized machinery and detergents.
Line Striping: Repainting faded lines and markings for clear visibility.
Oil and Stain Removal: Using special chemicals and techniques to remove stubborn stains.
Graffiti Removal: Cleaning graffiti from walls and surfaces using appropriate solutions.
Gum Removal: Removing chewing gum using scraping tools or hot water pressure washers.
Maintenance of Drains and Gutters: Ensuring proper drainage by clearing blocked drains and gutters.
Lighting Maintenance: Checking and replacing faulty lights to ensure visibility.
Inspecting for Damage: Identifying cracks, potholes, or structural damage for repair.